Rush Illuminates Us on the Left’s Assault on “Whiteness”
14 Jun 2021
JASON: We’re now distributing covid relief benefits by race. Now, granted, a lower court judge just turned this back. But there was something called the Restaurant Revitalization Fund that distributed $29 billion in covid relief money based on race. We’ve seen this before with quotas in higher education based on race.
I mentioned earlier the St. Cloud law firm that basically fired… A partner fired their employees because they were supporters on social media of Trump. This is how it happens. This is what tyranny looks like. This is what the mob looks like, and Rush talked about this and this assault on “whiteness” a few years ago. Audio number 8.
RUSH: “Professor Calls on Art Teachers To Reject The ‘Geometry Of Whiteness.’” Now, I will maintain to you that after you hear this, these are the kind of students that Facebook has hired and that Twitter has hired. This is the kind of stuff they’ve been taught.
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