Coming June 21st: The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show
14 Jun 2021
CLAY: We are going to represent what Rush has always represented, which is the full fruition of American freedom.
ANNOUNCER: Buck Sexton.
BUCK: There’s nothing that has ever been comparable to being at that golden mic.
ANNOUNCER: Clay Travis and Buck Sexton, Inspired by Rush. You’ll hear them both right here on this station, at this time, starting Monday, after Father’s Day weekend.
TODD: So the next couple of weeks, we’ll continue to include Rush’s thoughts and words, and all we cover and explore, before welcoming the new sounds and thoughts of Clay Travis and Buck Sexton. We wish them success. And I would just say this: I would hope that everybody will give Clay and Buck a great opportunity to cheer them as they grow in these roles. They’re both very accomplished men. Very, very accomplished at what they do.
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