You Can’t Shame These People!


By Rush Limbaugh


For years, getting you to eat bugs has been one of the left’s weirdest ongoing projects. To libs, hyping mealworm meals is a feature, not a bug. Rush, of course, was on this from the jump, and he also knew what it meant, big picture: No matter how much we hope and pray it will happen someday, liberals can never be embarrassed by their own ignorance.


Remember this? United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan wanted you to eat more insects. Why? It’s better for your health — and for the earth.

“Keeping meat consumption to levels recommended by health authorities would lower emissions and reduce heart disease, cancer, and other diseases,” Annan told The [UK] Guardian“And of course there are alternative sources of protein. For example, raising insects as an animal protein source. Insects have a very good conversion rate from feed to meat. They make up part of the diet of two billion people and are commonly eaten in many parts of the world. Eating insects is good for the environment and balanced diets.”

You think I’m making this up? This was the former head honcho at the UN, who advised you — using terms of equality, fairness, and egalitarianism, with the added benefits of helping prevent climate change and global warming — to eat insects for your protein.

Seriously, what is it with these people? Michelle Obama served scraps of inedible food to school kids, supposedly for their health. And here was fellow traveler Kofi Annan admonishing us to eat bugs, to feed bugs to our children, because it’s healthful and will help save the planet.

Didn’t the fda encourage people to eat food past the expiration date, because we’re wasting way too much? Food is perfectly fine beyond the expiration date, especially if it’s in a can, they told us. “How could it possibly go bad? Expiration dates are arbitrarily too short. So go ahead and eat it!”

What did we get with the era of Barack Hussein O? We discovered that leftists — hello, Sheryl Crow — would have us use one square of toilet paper, eat out-of-date food, substitute insects for meat and protein, hate the police who protect us from criminals, give up our doctors, give up our once-affordable health insurance, pay higher taxes, grant amnesty to 15, 20 million illegals.

There’s a long list of absurdities the Obama Regime attempted to force upon this country, under the premise of what? Fundamentally transforming it. Stunning.

A caller, John from Fayetteville, AR said: “Talking about Kofi Annan just gave me a thought, that this is a great point we can use on our liberal friends. If they want to say they’re all-out for saving our world, they will have to eat insects. And if they don’t, they’ll be exposed as a fraud.”

So I said, “Wait, now. You want to try to persuade liberals of something by repeating what Kofi Annan said to them?”

“Well, I don’t figure I can persuade the people who buy electric cars and all that,” admitted John. “But it’s a great way to expose them as a fraud. I can’t see my friends who are liberals going out and eating insects, and if they really want to save the world, then they would.”

I set John straight.



Here’s the thing. I realize the temptation. It happens to me, too. You hear a story like this that you think, “Aha! Finally one of these idiots has overstepped it, and now I can help demonstrate to my liberal buddies just how stupid what they believe is, just how crazy what they believe is.” So the next time I run into my liberal buddies I say, “Did you hear what Kofi Annan said?”

You know what they would say? “Who’s Kofi Annan?” Because they’re liberals. They have no clue.

So you say, “‘Who’s Kofi Annan?’ Why, he was Secretary-General of the United Nations! He used to run the world at the UN.”

And they’ll go, “Oh, the UN. Wow, cool. No, what did he say?”

“He said the best thing that you could do to stop climate change would be to eat insects.”

Your liberal buddy will immediately think you’re lying. Or he’ll assume that you have misunderstood, misinterpreted, or are misstating what he said. They will not believe it. They will think that you’re lying to them or trying to entrap them. Even if they go on to learn that you’ve told them the truth, they will not permit what they believe to be discredited by you by virtue of some extremist little news item you’ve brought to their attention.

They will come back at you and say, “Well, if you actually do your research, you’ll find out he said it’s one of the things that we could do; he pointed out that poor people have to eat insects. It doesn’t mean you have to eat insects to save the planet. You can. But there are other things that you can do to save the planet.” And your liberal buddy will start bragging on his environmental virtue. “Here’s what I do. I drive a hybrid! I make sure that I don’t take a shower for longer than 90 seconds. I support green companies.”

They’ll come back at you with all of the great things they do to save the planet — and then they’ll turn it around on you — because this is every liberal’s aim in every conversation — and they’ll accuse you of not doing anything to save the planet because you don’t care. Because you’re a right-wing bigot.


I don’t think you can shame these people into changing their minds. They have to come to these conclusions themselves. And even if what you tell them changes their mind, they’re never going to give you the satisfaction of admitting to you that you did it. They’re not going to say, “Wow, is that right? Man, what an idiot! I better re-examine all my liberalism!”

I’ve found most of them rigidly, unalterably positioned, rooted in their belief system, because their belief system is not primarily really about what they believe. Their belief system has been constructed as a way of shielding them from reality.

Most liberals want to live in a fantasy world of a potential utopia that’s just around the corner, and they construct these little cocoons in which they live. And if you come along and poke a hole in it, you are not enlightening them; you are threatening them, and they respond in kind. They’re not rooted in reality.

I mean, who in the world could actually think that it’s a good idea, for example, to ban moms and dads reading to their kids at night because it’s not fair they can while others can’t? What must you be like, to believe something like that’s a good idea? Yet philosopher and professor Adam Swift out of the University of Warwick in England actually says if you read to your kids, you’re “unfairly disadvantaging” others. So if you feed your kids bugs, are you unfairly disadvantaging others who don’t? He doesn’t mention that.

All this is why I say, and it’s getting harder and harder every day, the ultimate objective is not to bring them into the fold. That isn’t going to happen. What has to happen is, they have to be defeated. They have to remain the minority they are, and for that we need a political party that wants to push back against this. Not one that bugs out.


Photo illustration ©2021 Shutterstock 



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