Farewell from Rush’s “Editrix”


Rush always laughed whenever I ended an editorial “suggestion” with my tag line, “Because words are my business, Rush.” But now, having to bid farewell to you, his beloved newsletter audience, I find myself nearly wordless.

Memories flood, beginning at my 1992 job interview with the man himself in his improbably ordinary 10-by-10-foot office — containing a standard-issue metal desk and file cabinet. I couldn’t believe the vast eib empire that his radio voice had conjured up in my imagination, with thousands of bustling staffers in a huge office tower, was actually just Rush, along with a handful of guys in the small radio studio down the hall.

But every day, the moment Rush was ensconced behind the Golden eib Microphone, that vast empire was made real by the power of his mind, his “vocal vibrations” emitting “dulcet tones,” and his immense talent. And, because he was right. I got to sit in that studio, eyewitness to history, as it rocked and rolled to command the center of the political world — and the culture. Facts, analysis, and hilarity exploded from that windowless room onto the airwaves, and you and I became part of Rush’s empire. We still are.



One of the first rules of the road I learned working for Rush was his enormous respect for his audience: you. Likewise, if there’s one thing to convey beyond Rush’s legendary personal generosity (I will go to my grave keeping his confidence, as he requested, on his staggeringly lavish gifts), it is his respectful approach to everyone around him. There is a lot of talk about “equity” by people who never demonstrate it, but there was no better purveyor of “equitable” treatment of people than Rush Limbaugh. In three decades, there was not one instance, not one minute of one day, when I was not treated with the utmost respect.

Which brings me to my heartfelt appreciation to the immensely talented Denise Mei, the newsletter’s Creative Director. Inspired and supported by Rush Limbaugh, this little publication is the result of an unbelievable partnership of two professional women who delivered Rush’s message to you through 29 years of print and digital deadlines. We did it all out of love for our boss, who also happened to be one of the greatest Americans God ever gave this nation. We complete our tenure with full hearts.

I was a young person when Rush hired me, and I leave a “seasoned citizen,” hopefully wiser after trying to absorb as much of Rush’s insight and genius as any ordinary person can. Casting Rush’s words into print for you has been the honor and privilege of a lifetime.

I have always felt disbelief that I was actually paid to listen to Rush Limbaugh. It was my job. Rush was indeed born to host, and I was born to listen — and write some of it down, conveying to you what of Rush’s daily stream of brilliance could be fit into 16 pages monthly. And now, having learned from the absolute best, it’s my job, and yours, to carry on Rush’s mission.

He wasn’t shy about naming the source, talent on loan from God, or about naming the mission: to shine the light of truth. I can hear Rush’s voice, can’t you? He’s saying, “So, get to it!”


Ever grateful,


Diana Allocco

Managing Editor




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