Critical Racist Theory



“There are certain right-wing media venues … that monetize and capitalize on stoking the fear and resentment of a white population… You would think … that the Republican Party would be engaged in a significant debate about how are we gonna deal with the economy and what are we gonna do about climate change [but] lo and behold, the single most important issue to them apparently right now is Critical Race Theory [crt]. Who knew that was the threat to our republic?” — Barack Obama, sneering at conservatives fighting Marxist anti-American propaganda throughout the culture, cnn, 6/8/21


“Specific to this idea of Critical Race Theory, I have to tell you, I just spent some time reporting on this county in Virginia, and … this is something that is mobilizing people and resonating very deeply. It was about a hundred-degree day, dozens and dozens and dozens of parents, mostly white in this largely affluent county, showed up to a school board meeting, for many of them the first school board meeting they’ve ever attended, specifically because of this one issue.” — Amna Nawaz, pbs reporter, on nbc’s “Meet the Press,” 6/20/21


Critical Race Theory is the left’s “Theory of Everything.” It’s the distilled evil genius of multiple generations of Marxist intellectual thought — the dialectic of oppressed and oppressor — but instead of class warfare (which stubbornly never worked in America), the whole ugly edifice of the 1930s “Critical Theory” has been transferred to race. “Intersectionality” means racism is everywhere and in everything; “systemic” means racism is everywhere and in everything; “unconscious bias” means racism is everywhere and in everyone white. And the big crt foundational lie, “equity,” means individual achievement is racist and must have its pocket picked. It’s the ancient leftist con; rather than equality under the law or equality of opportunity, Marxists always, always demand equal outcomes (because they can’t compete). “Equity” is the same old power grab.

The entire project’s secret to success is secrecy. Stealth. Well, oops. They never expected ordinary people to be on to them. Never.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the U.S. Marxist revolution. American parents stepped forward and said, “Oh hell no. Not with my child, you don’t.” The left is absolutely flummoxed. They’re baffled that their usual covert indoctrination tactics suddenly stopped working in schools — after fifty years of flawless deployment. And they haven’t yet formulated a pushback to the pushback they’re getting from livid moms and dads at the school board, county, and state levels all over the nation — levels at which leftist officeholders are tremendously vulnerable.

The left is rolling out the standard “All-our-critics-are-racists” gambit, but despite their claims, a significant portion of the most passionate and effective criticism is coming from furious minority parents. Yes, the anti-Marxists are diverse and inclusive. The left did not calculate for this. So they’re attempting a bunch of laughable defenses: “These parents are imagining things! crt isn’t even happening in the schools!” “This is all being ginned up by Fox and right-wing think tanks!” “These stupid people don’t even know that crt is actually a deeply intellectual and subtle legal theory! Ha!” Whatever. These parents damn well know the unhealthy anti-American, explicitly racist claptrap their kids are being fed; they know how dangerous it is, and they aren’t having it. The left, by overplaying their hand (as they always do), has unleashed a primal force of nature that they will not be able to contain, control, or thwart — fiercely protective parents:



  • “Question: Why Did a Biracial Student Fail ‘Critical Race Theory’ Class? Answer: Because He Refused to Confess His ‘White Dominance.’” Red State, 3/12/21
  • “An [Asian-American majority] elementary school in Cupertino, CA … recently forced a class of third-graders to deconstruct their racial identities, then rank themselves according to their ‘power and privilege.’” City Journal, 1/13/21
  • “I am a mother of three children in [this] district, and I am very concerned. The proposed anti-racist program is just a prettier name for racial Marxist teaching. You don’t need to sugarcoat it for me; I lived it. Same … preferential treatment to certain groups… I was born in [the] Soviet Union, and my family has seen it all. Suffering first from Nazi and then from tyrannical Soviet ideology… And now my family is here because ‘equity’ does not work!
    “We did not come here for blanket and synthetic equity. We had enough of that one. We came here for equal opportunity under the law and freedoms in this country. Soviets extinguished all the excellence and opportunity. They told us they were advocates for ‘equity’ … [and they] killed millions of people worldwide. And now you [are] bringing it to here, indoctrinating our children… Here’s what equity means in reality: making everyone mediocre… I have a message for everyone here: this is not a Bolshevik central school district in the Soviet Union! This is … the United States of America.” — “Refugee from Communist ussr Rips School Board Over Critical Race Theory Agenda,” video via Dinesh D’Souza, 6/19/21. The school board then scolded the audience for applauding this mother’s impassioned speech.
  • “I’m disgusted that you are lying to the residents of Tustin and the people who pay your salaries. You say that the district does not intend to incorporate Critical Race Theory; [but] the district is teaching the children victim-versus-oppressor mentality, as demonstrated by the ‘White Savior Complex’ assignment that was given to students at Foothill High School… Stop sneaking Critical Race Theory in as [an] ethnic studies course and your social justice agenda. Critical Race Theory contradicts everything that Martin Luther King Jr. stood for… Parents are no longer complicit. We are strong, and we are growing. We will be holding you accountable. I implore you to reconsider moving forward with the [crt] curriculum. If you do, we will be coming after your seats.” — Syndie Ly, mother blasting the Tustin, CA school board, YouTube video, 6/14/21
  • “Black Mother Slams Critical Race Theory at Florida School Board Meeting: ‘Not Teaching the Truth.’” Fox News, 6/11/21. Quisha King told the Florida Board of Education: “Critical Race Theory does not teach the truth, unless you believe that whites are better than blacks… Telling my child, or any child, that they are in a permanently oppressed status because they are black is racist, and saying that white people are automatically above me, my children, or any child is racist as well.” The board then voted to support Gov. Ron DeSantis’ rule prohibiting such teaching in Florida schools.
  • “New York Mother Rips Proponents of Critical Race Theory: ‘They’re the Racists’: ‘You work for me. I don’t work for you,’ said the mother during a school meeting.” Fox News, on Carmel, NY mom Tatiana Ibrahim, 6/11/21. “You’re emotionally abusing our children and mentally abusing them. You’re demoralizing them by teaching them communist values,” Ibrahim declared. When a board member tried to tone-shame Ibrahim, she retorted: “This is still America, ma’am, and as long as I’m standing here on this good ground earth of God, I will fight.”
  • “To me, and to a lot of Chinese, it is heartbreaking that we escaped communism and now we experience communism here. The communist regime used the same critical theory to divide people. The only difference is they used class instead of race.” Xi Van Fleet, a survivor of China’s Cultural Revolution who immigrated to the U.S. in her 20s, excoriated the Loudon County, VA school board during a public meeting and compared crt directly to Mao Zedong’s purge of anyone and anything deemed ‘counterrevolutionary’ by the Communist Party, Fox News, 6/12/21
  • “Nicole Solas filed several public records requests after concerns arose over the indoctrination being taught in her child’s [kindergarten] classroom. After receiving the public records … Solas created a blog post detailing the disturbing findings. The South Kingston [RI] School Board accused her of being racist and threatened to sue her… ‘They reduce everyone down to the color of their skin, and a human being’s worth is more than that.’” The Post Millennial news site, 6/4/21
  • “I, like all of you, live a quiet and private life. I like to stay at home. I don’t necessarily like to spend my time at school board meetings, but we have to do it. I don’t subscribe to identity politics, but since I married a wonderful woman who happens to be white, my son is white. My daughter tends to favor her Hispanic heritage. According to Critical Race Theory, my son should have white guilt and white privilege, simply because of the color of his skin… It’s propaganda.” — Michael Rivera, parent, in Leesburg, VA addressing a crowd of 250 protesting the teaching of Critical Race Theory in the county’s schools, The Daily Signal, 6/14/21
  • “I cannot tolerate a school that not only judges my daughter by the color of her skin, but encourages and instructs her to prejudge others by theirs. By viewing every element of education, every aspect of history, and every facet of society through the lens of skin color and race, we are desecrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and utterly violating the movement for which such civil rights leaders believed, fought, and died… Brearley [School], by adopting Critical Race Theory, is advocating the abhorrent viewpoint that blacks should forever be regarded as helpless victims and are incapable of success regardless of their skills, talents, or hard work. What Brearley is teaching our children is precisely the … definition of racism.” — Andrew Gutmann, letter to fellow parents explaining why he pulled his daughter out of the $54,000 Upper East Side school, quoted in Newsweek, 4/20/21
  • “What particularly outrages me is that the ‘Cultural Proficiency Committee’ (which sounds like something out of Maoist China) imposed a lesson plan to indoctrinate the children into the ‘woke’ culture, using reprehensible resources designed to inoculate Caucasian children with feelings of guilt for the color of their skin and the ‘sins’ of their forefathers. The material selected for this indoctrination pumps their brains with lies that puts unbearable emotional burdens on them for years to come. Why must our kids feel like villains and hate themselves for something they had no control over — the color/pigmentation of their skin?!? Whatever the school’s intentions are, this ‘proficiency’ program threatens to unleash hate upon white children. My nine-year-old very perceptively commented: ‘They are doing to us what they told us not to do to others.’” — Dr. Elana Yaron Fishbein, letter to superintendent after suburban Philadelphia Gladwyne Elementary instituted a crt program, 6/18/20. Dr. Fishbein enrolled her two children in private school and started No Left Turn in Education, which now has 30 chapters in 23 states, according to nbc.
  • “It was the weekend that changed politics in Southlake, TX forever. At the end of July last year, word began to spread of a quiet effort by the school board to pass … a Critical Race Theory-inspired effort to ingrain woke racial politics in the town’s schools. The outrage was instant… Opponents of the plan eventually swept the school board races last month … giving opponents of Critical Race Theory a [70 percent] victory at the local level… The Southlake opposition was unified, was carefully organized, and never took its eye off the ball. It was also fearless, remaining outspoken and resolute, despite harassment and efforts to get its supporters fired by their employers.” National Review, noting that the flummoxed board “didn’t expect the blowback,” 6/3/21



  • “During my first month in command, military professionals across the base — predominantly Air and Space Force personnel — were asked by base leadership to watch two videos… The first … teaches that the U.S. Constitution codified a racist social order intended to allow whites to remain in power and subjugate and oppress blacks, and that we as a nation have never escaped from the foundation of racism. Further, that upon ratification of the Constitution, ‘white supremacy was now the official policy of the United States of America.’ The second video portrays Republican politicians as racist… Democrat politicians, on the other hand, are portrayed as aiding the black community… Throughout the film, the United States is referred to as a ‘system of oppression.’
    “As a commander of young military professionals, all of whom have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution, I became concerned that race-based identity politics would erode the trust and confidence these young people have in their country and in the Constitution… These destructive narratives are spreading rapidly across U.S. military bases and service academies everywhere.” — Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron at Buckley Air Force Base, in Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military, book self-published on May 10, 2021. Lohmeier was canned from the U.S. Space Force on May 14.
  • “During our monthly drill, we were ordered into an auditorium at Camp Mabry and indoctrinated with themes of cultural Marxism and Critical Race Theory that characterize the [Defense Department] ‘extremism’ training that has been forced upon all federal troops since … January 6… [O]ur training occurred with a room full of Texas general officers, including Major General Robert Bodisch, the commanding general of the Texas State Guard… Specifically, troops were told that there was a list of extremist organizations and that soldiers with ‘extreme’ views would be investigated. Troops were encouraged to report others whom they felt held ‘extreme’ views.” — Andy Hopper, Texas State Guard Warrant Officer, quoted at The Lid, 6/16/21
  • “We’ve received hundreds of whistleblower complaints about Critical Race Theory being pushed on our soldiers. The problem is real — and worse than we thought.” — Sen. Tom Cotton (R, AR) and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R, TX), who set up a tip line for active military members to report Critical Race Theory “training” programs, in The New York Post, 6/15/21. According to Crenshaw, they had received “well over 300 serious, credible complaints.”
  • “Cotton said one Marine told them that a ‘military history training session was replaced with mandatory training on police brutality, white privilege, and systemic racism,’ and that several officers are now leaving his unit because of that training… Another complaint they received is from a member of the special operations community who said they have been told, ‘The U.S. Special Operations community is racist.’ An Army officer told them that his general officer told him the entire Army is racist. And one airman told them their unit was forced into a racist exercise called a ‘privilege walk’ where members of the wing were ordered to separate themselves by race and gender in order to stratify people based on their perceived privilege. Cotton said: ‘Soldiers have come forward to tell us that they have been forced to watch videos about systemic racism and documentaries that rewrite America’s history as a fundamentally racist and evil nation.’” Breitbart, 6/10/21
  • “The underlying piece of Critical Race Theory is that civilian institutions in this country are inherently misogynist, racist, and colonialist, and therefore, it is our duty to resist them. That is fine for activists, but one of these [West Point] cadets is going to be the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and being taught that the Constitution is critically flawed? That, to me, is terrifying.” — Rep. Mike Waltz (R, FL), a Green Beret and Afghan War veteran, given documentation by cadets, families, and active duty soldiers stationed at West Point from mandated training materials related to Critical Race Theory such as, ‘Understanding Whiteness and White Rage,’ and ‘White Power at West Point,’ Fox News, 6/9/21
  • “[C]ritical Race Theory … migrated from the academy into the nonprofit sector, into the philanthropy sector, into the education sector, and into the bureaucracy, so into the actual public government sector. And what I uncovered in my investigative reporting is that critical race theory has really become the default operating ideology of the federal government.” — Christopher Rufo, Heritage, 10/26/20



  • “1) Corporations have a responsibility to support racial justice by communicating in ways that improve race relations because: 2) corporations are organizational forms that have emerged through processes of racism and racialization; 3) corporations have directly and indirectly perpetuated — and benefited from — racial discrimination and oppression, which has contributed to racial strife and social instability.” — “Critical Race Theory Has a Role to Play in Business Communications and PR,” PR Daily, 6/14/21
  • “American Medical Association Embraces Critical Race Theory, Rejects Meritocracy.” The Epoch Times, 5/12/21. In its 86-page strategic plan, the ama said it will use its influence to dismantle “structural and institutional racism” and advance “social and racial justice” in America’s health care system: “Expand medical school and physician education to include equity, anti-racism, structural competency, public health and social sciences, critical race theory, and historical basis of disease.”
  • “Disney Corp Asks Employees to Complete ‘White Privilege Checklist,’ Pivot Away from ‘White Dominant Culture,’ Leaked Docs Show.” Newsweek, 5/8/21
  • “Coca-Cola … has responded to allegations of anti-white rhetoric after an internal whistleblower leaked screenshots of diversity training materials that encourages staff to ‘try to be less white.’ … [I]mages from an internal whistleblower of the company’s online racism training … included tips to learners on how to be ‘less white, less arrogant, less certain, less defensive, less ignorant and more humble.’ ‘In the U.S. and other Western nations, white people are socialized to feel that they are inherently superior because they are white,’ one of the slides read. ‘Research shows that by age 3 to 4, children understand that it is better to be white.’ A Coca-Cola spokesperson confirmed that the course is ‘part of a learning plan to help build an inclusive workplace…’” Newsweek, 2/21/21
  • “Mandatory training … has now been rolled out across the company I work for… I am faced with trying to decode the meanings of ‘belonging,’ ‘equity,’ ‘inclusion,’ and ‘liberation’… There are calls for employees to identify their ‘privilege,’ with guidance provided that if you are (shock, horror) a straight white male, you have the most privilege available… I happen to be gay but in no way do I consider myself at some sort of disadvantage… I am being told that I have to consent to beliefs about the world and people that I do not, in fact, believe… It’s like something out of The Communist Manifesto…” — George Crichton (pseudonym), at Don’t Divide Us website, 1/31/21
  • shrm’s [Society for Human Resources Management] training materials follow the design of … crt… [With] over 300,000 human resource and business executive members in 165 countries — shrm impacts some 115 million workers… [I]ts ‘Conversation Starters’ initiative contains verbiage found in crt scholarship … such as: What types of new training has your organization provided on implicit/unconscious bias, equity, inclusion, or other diversity-related topics? Have you sought out guidance or education on how to address your own implicit/unconscious bias?” — “Critical Race Theory, the New Intolerance, and Its Grip on America,” Heritage Foundation, 12/7/20



  • “Critical Race Theory Panic Is Everywhere — Just in Time for Juneteenth: And That’s No Coincidence.” Mother Jones, 6/17/21. “The fake outrage about critical race theory is hitting a fever pitch …[as] the end of slavery is celebrated… Republicans are fighting yet another battle that doesn’t really exist. Okay, perhaps a few teachers are telling students that they’re inherently bad for being white, but the larger point is … we still struggle to fully understand America’s real history, including the persistent legacy of slavery.”
  • “This is pretty consistent with the Republican base. Whether it is trying to fight teaching basic history around racism, the role of racism in U.S. history, you know there is a direct through line from that to denying Juneteenth.” — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D, NY), video via The Hill, 6/17/21
  • “The Specter of Critical Race Theory Is Rotting Republicans’ Brains: Transforming the academic study of structural racism into a vague grab bag of villainy has been useful fodder for moral panic while the gop figures out how to attack Joe Biden.” The New Republic, 6/15/21
  • “Yet with so many white people across the country in a total freak out over ‘Critical Race Theory,’ it appears few, if any, of them could even explain what it actually is. That’s because, despite what Fox News is telling them, Critical Race Theory… is not, in fact, being taught to 3rd graders or even 11th graders. Claims otherwise are a complete lie, ginned up by right-wing propagandists who are desperate to keep the gop base whipped into a racist frenzy… [I]n fact, the real issue at hand is that conservatives don’t want white kids to learn even the most basic truths about American history.” Salon, 6/15/21
  • “[T]his issue is like something that was created out of thin air by a couple of producers at right-wing media outlets and all of a sudden, now school boards all across the country are dealing with something they did not know was an issue… [T]his looks very familiar, 30 or 40 years ago, it’s Christian Coalition groups started targeting school boards … trying to ban things in public schools or limit certain teachings. It feels like they are using the same tactics here.” — Chuck Todd, msnbc, 6/15/21
  • “Critical Race Theory Is a Lucrative Obsession for Republicans Because the Party Is ‘Offended by the Political Focus on Racism and Racial Justice.’” Business Insider, 6/12/21
  • “Conservatives want to cancel Critical Race Theory. But they don’t know what it is.” — Slate, on Twitter, 6/12/21
  • “None of these people who have made attacking Critical Race Theory their life’s work have any idea what critical race theory is!!!!” — Joy Reid, msnbc host, on Twitter, 6/11/21
  • “Critical Race Theory is the new antifa and it’s just so frustrating to see this boogeyman political tactic work over and over again.” — Brandy Zadrozny, nbc News reporter, on Twitter, 6/11/21
  • “Where Does the Bizarre Hysteria About ‘Critical Race Theory’ Come From? Follow the Money!” Inside Higher Ed, blaming wealthy donors to “right-wing think tanks,” 6/3/21
  • “For conservatives however, it’s the latest boogeyman they can use to scare people into thinking America’s children are being ‘indoctrinated’ by ‘woke’ leftist teachers. And while that is not even remotely the case, this idea is exploding on Fox News and in Republican-run state legislatures…” — “Fox News’ Fearmongering About Critical Race Theory Is All About the Midterm Campaigns…” at Media Matters, 5/26/21


Can you hear the “uh-oh”? The fear is palpable, because the Americans are winning against the anti-Americans. According to a new YouGov/Economist poll released 6/15/21, reports The Washington Examiner, a majority of Americans have an unfavorable view of Critical Race Theory: “58 percent expressed an unfavorable view of critical race theory, while 38 percent expressed a favorable view… Asked if they thought [crt] was good or bad for America, 55 percent said the theory was bad for America.”

Meanwhile, 21 states have either introduced legislation to ban crt or have already banned it. And nbc News reports that “activists and parents have launched 50 recall efforts this year aimed at unseating 126 school board members.” Americans are about to clean house.

We have no choice. Quisha King, the mom who slammed crt before the Florida Board of Education, said it best: “Our ancestors, white, black, and others, hung, bled, and died right alongside each other to push America towards that more perfect union. If [crt] continues, we will look back and be responsible for the dismantling of the greatest country in the world by reverting to teaching hate and that race is a determining factor on where your destiny lies.”

Not on our watch! Thanks to millions like Ms. King, the greatest country in the world still stands strong.


Safe cartoon ©2021 Pat Cross; Poison cartoon ©2021 Gary Varvel; Photo from



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